Products that can regulate blood pressure have been named

Products that can regulate blood pressure have been named

Products that can regulate blood pressure have been named

Nutritionist Elena Solomatina spoke about how certain foods affect blood pressure, reports

The expert, in a conversation with the Zvezda TV channel, noted that foods containing a lot of salt, including hidden salt, can lead to increased blood pressure if there is an excess in their use. This also includes products that have been processed – the same cooking, frying, deep-fried.

According to her, there is a separate category of products – psychostimulants.

If we are talking about caffeine-containing ones, then directly, in the long term, coffee does not affect the increase in blood pressure, but at this particular moment, if a person has a predisposition, and he drinks strong coffee or tea, or some kind of drink, an energy drink – all this can immediately provoke an increase in blood pressure, – the doctor explained.

There are also foods that prevent hypertension in the long term – foods that strengthen the vessels themselves. They contain magnesium, seeds, nuts, vegetables. Those foods that contribute to the production of nitric oxide lead to the expansion of the vascular wall. This is why beet juice is so popular among hypertensive patients. Carrot juice can also help.

The nutritionist noted that diuretic products in one way or another also lower blood pressure, but she does not advise them to get carried away. It is better to eat foods with nitric oxide or high amounts of magnesium. Various soothing teas with chamomile, valerian, motherwort can also have an effect. However, they still cannot be considered drugs.

It is noted that foods rich in vitamin C strengthen the vascular wall and the vessel itself, and the content of quercetin helps to regulate the pressure and strength of small capillaries.

All proper nutrition in the long term, one way or another, leads to the health of the cardiovascular system, – said Solomatina.

Vegetables, whole grains, which contain a lot of rutin, dietary magnesium fiber – all this heals the cardiovascular system, since fiber removes excess cholesterol and fats, prevents fatty liver, is responsible for the production of the correct cholesterol – low density.

Vitamin P – rutin – there is a lot of it in foods, especially in dark blue, black berries. He is responsible for the strength of our capillary system, – added the expert.

Summing up, Solomatina emphasized that if a person does not develop hypertension as a disease, and the pressure rises periodically simply due to increased anxiety, stress, or for some other reason, food can correct a slight increase in pressure. They also help the drugs work out most effectively.

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