Recommendations for vaccination of Kazakhstanis were announced

Recommendations for vaccination of Kazakhstanis were announced

Recommendations for vaccination of Kazakhstanis were announced

If the temperature of a person exceeds 37 C, then vaccination will be postponed, First Vice Minister of Health Marat Shoranov said at a briefing. reports the correspondent

Vaccination is not recommended for children under 18 years old, this is due to the fact that the use of the vaccine in this age group has not yet been studied. Only adult citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan can receive the vaccine. Persons who have no contraindications to prophylactic vaccination are allowed to be vaccinated, Shoranov said.

According to him, before the vaccination, a mandatory examination of a doctor is carried out with measurement of body temperature, collection of an epidemiological history, measurement of saturation, heart rate, blood pressure, auscultation of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and examination of the throat.

If the temperature exceeds 37 ° C, vaccination is postponed. Before the vaccination, the vaccinated person signs a voluntary informed consent or refusal to carry out preventive vaccinations in writing in a form in accordance with the sanitary rules, the vice minister said.

He recalled that, on behalf of the head of state, it is planned to start vaccination against coronavirus infection in Kazakhstan from February 2021. Vaccination will be carried out in stages, taking into account the availability of the vaccine and the epidemiological significance of various population groups.

Medical workers, first of all, the staff of infectious diseases hospitals, emergency medical services, as well as other profiles – since February this year. Teachers and law enforcement officers – since March, students – since April. Further – from May of this year, the remaining contingent will be vaccinated as the vaccine volume is sufficient. It is planned that vaccination against CVI will continue until the end of this year with coverage of up to 6 million people, concluded Shoranov.

Aisha Tuleubekova, Nur-Sultan

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