The chief medical officer of Kazakhstan signed a new decree

The chief medical officer of Kazakhstan signed a new decree

The chief medical officer of Kazakhstan signed a new decree

Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerlan Kiyasov approved the recommendations for vaccination against coronavirus in the country’s population, reports

According to the decree, first of all, people who have a high risk of infection will be vaccinated against CVI. It:

  1. medical workers, primarily the personnel of infectious diseases hospitals, emergency medical care, resuscitation and intensive care units, health organizations providing primary health care, emergency rooms of health care organizations providing inpatient care, employees of the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  2. teachers;
  3. local police officers;
  4. students;
  5. personnel and contingent of medical and social and closed children’s institutions;
  6. employees of the emergency situations service, the ministries of defense, internal affairs, the National Security Committee, the State Security Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  7. contingent of the Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, civil servants, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who are employees of diplomatic and consular institutions accredited in Kazakhstan, members of national teams;
  8. persons with chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular system).

Not subject to vaccination:

  • having permanent and temporary medical contraindications to preventive vaccinations
  • people with acute and asymptomatic CVI.

Those who have been in contact with a patient with an infectious disease, including CVI, will be vaccinated after the end of the quarantine period.

Temporary contraindications for vaccination are acute infectious and non-infectious diseases. Vaccination is carried out 2-4 weeks after recovery or remission.

In acute intestinal diseases, vaccination is carried out after the normalization of the state of health.

According to the decree, screening for antibodies against CVI (ELISA and PCR study) will not be carried out before vaccination.

Those who have had any form of coronavirus are recommended to vaccinate 6 months after recovery, taking into account the assessment of the condition before vaccination.

Where will the vaccination take place?

The population will be vaccinated at the vaccination points of territorial medical organizations, and the special contingent will be vaccinated at the place of service of the relevant department.

In some cases (low population, lack of a stationary vaccination room, lack of refrigeration equipment with a low temperature regime), mobile vaccination points or mobile vaccination teams will be organized for vaccination.

The vaccination team will be formed at each vaccination point, taking into account the daily load on one team – no more than 60 vaccinations (mobile or mobile – no more than 40 vaccinations).

At the same time, one vaccination team should include: a doctor – 1, a vaccination nurse – 1 and, if necessary, a registrar – 1. In rural areas, it is allowed to organize a vaccination team consisting of: a paramedic (in the absence of a doctor) – 1, a vaccination nurse – 1, if necessary, the registrar – 1.

Organization of vaccination

It is noted that a list of people to be vaccinated will be drawn up;

People will be invited for vaccinations in advance.

Time intervals and distance in rooms will be organized, taking into account the consumption of 1 bottle of vaccine for 5 people;

People who do not have contraindications to preventive vaccination will be allowed to vaccinate. Before vaccination, the doctor will conduct a mandatory examination with measurement of body temperature, collection of an epidemiological history, measurement of saturation, heart rate, blood pressure, auscultation of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and examination of the throat. If the temperature exceeds 37 ° C, vaccination is postponed.

Vaccinated patients will need to be kept in a well-ventilated area for 30 minutes after vaccination.

The decree recommends to give vaccinated people a special marking badge with the designation “Vaccination against CVI has been carried out; The period of medical supervision is within 30 minutes!” and a memo on vaccination against CVI;

The vaccination process will be recorded in accounting forms (a separate register of preventive vaccinations against CVI, a preventive vaccination card, an outpatient medical record, a vaccination section of a medical information system) with an indication of the date of vaccination, type of vaccinations (component I or II), drug production facility , batch numbers, vaccine reactions.

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