WHO urges rich countries to share vaccines

WHO urges rich countries to share vaccines

WHO urges rich countries to share vaccines

The World Health Organization has invited developed countries to help less prosperous countries with vaccinations against COVID-19, reports zakon.kz.

TASS quotes the words of the official representative of the World Health Organization Margaret Harris.

We ask all countries that have this opportunity: stop, wait for other groups of countries where vaccination has not yet begun. Instead of covering one country with vaccines, we need to cover everything, and we need to do this together. Margaret Harris

According to Harris, to date, 95% of all vaccinations have been carried out in only 10 countries around the world.

Harris explained that from the point of view of WHO, the following steps would be correct:

  • Vaccinate healthcare workers and members of risk groups.
  • Give other countries access to your vaccines.

According to her, there are several interesting studies, according to which complete vaccination of the population of one country does not lead to an improvement in the economic situation in it and in the world.

In this regard, Harris advised the UK government to abandon the intention to quickly vaccinate a significant part of the population against coronavirus. Her words came against the backdrop of the EU’s announcement of export controls on vaccines produced within the bloc.

On January 29, the European Commission decided to restrict the export of vaccines to other countries. It allows EU countries to block the supply of vaccines outside the union if the supplier does not fulfill the terms of the contract with the EU. The EU succeeded in such a step due to a conflict with two manufacturers of vaccines against COVID-19 – AstraZeneca and Pfizer. They recently announced that for various reasons they do not have time to supply the EU with a sufficient number of doses of their drugs.

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