The truck crushed the driver on the highway near Balkhash

The truck crushed the driver on the highway near Balkhash

The truck crushed the driver on the highway near Balkhash

On the highway near Balkhash, a VOLVO truck collapsed on the driver during repairs, reports with a link to

The accident happened 14 kilometers from the city. The driver stopped along the highway and repaired the chassis. At this time, the jack flew off the support and the car collapsed on the driver lying under it.

Drivers passing by called an ambulance. The 58-year-old victim is in intensive care. He was diagnosed with multiple fractures and an open head injury. head of the emergency room of the central hospital of Balkhash Yernur Zarer

According to the doctor, the victim is in critical condition in intensive care. He underwent a computed tomography of the brain, removed an intracerebral hematoma, and also removed fragments of a fracture of the frontal bone.

Doctors are fighting for his life.

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