Children in Kazakhstan will be monitored using GPS trackers

Children in Kazakhstan will be monitored using GPS trackers

Children in Kazakhstan will be monitored using GPS trackers

Children in Kazakhstan will be monitored using GPS trackers, reports with a link to Аstanatv.

The pilot project is being implemented by the Ministry of the Interior. The police suggest attaching a special beacon to the child’s clothes or backpack. He will help determine the location of the minor. It is planned that the tracker will work through the Find Me mobile application. It is available not only to law enforcement officers, but also to parents.

In case of loss of connection with the child, the parent turns on the tracker beacon search mode in the application. In addition, the system will be integrated with the Operational Control Center, which means that the signal about the search for the child will automatically go to the police. official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurdilda Oraz

Other know-how will soon appear in the arsenal of police officers. In particular, it is planned to introduce an “SOS button” or an emergency call device. By clicking on it, you can call the police from anywhere in the city. The Interior Ministry also noted that they will continue to expand the video surveillance system.

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