MP proposes to open land borders for vaccinated

MP proposes to open land borders for vaccinated

MP proposes to open land borders for vaccinated

To resolve the issue with partners in the Eurasian Economic Union to restore the previous procedure for crossing land borders for vaccinated citizens and citizens with a negative PCR test, Majilis deputy Albert Rau asked the government in his deputy request, the correspondent of reports.

According to Rau, fellow citizens asked the deputies about restrictions on crossing land borders with member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union.

For most of Kazakhstanis and their guests, they still remain closed. At the same time, constantly changing rules that are not agreed between the participating countries create serious social tension in society. The current situation allows the development of the shadow market for border crossing services. Thus, law enforcement agencies have repeatedly revealed the facts of issuing fake medical referrals. Trucks take passengers under the guise of partners for a decent fee. There are fraudsters who will “transfer you across the border” if you send them your photo, the crossing point and payment on WhatsApp, – stated the deputy, voicing his request to the Deputy Prime Minister, at a plenary meeting of the Mazhilis.

He noted that it is difficult for citizens to understand why it is possible to cross the border by air, and for the rest, there are restrictions for more than a year.

At the same time, airlines sell tickets for which people have to take loans. For example, a flight from Nur-Sultan to Moscow a month before the departure date costs 250-300 thousand tenge. But even with their inflated cost, there is an acute shortage of direct flights. The limitations could be understood during the period of test shortages and lack of vaccine. However, today, when there is a mass vaccination, a network of accredited laboratories is working, standards of safe behavior have been established, IT solutions have been found to take into account the status of passengers, for some reason the borders of the Eurasian Economic Union, including those involving the free movement of people, are still closed for most Kazakhstanis. ? – the parliamentarian asks.

Rau believes that the solution to many of the problems should have been the COVID-19-Free mobile app, which is an integrated database on the status of citizens, designed to make it easier for them to travel. Currently, the application is working for citizens of Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Russia.

“According to information from our government agencies, Kazakhstan will be connected to this system, attention, by the end of July, when two months of vacations and school holidays will end. So are we really less mobile than neighboring countries with our level of digitalization? In this regard, we ask you to resolve the issue with partners in the Eurasian Economic Union to restore the previous procedure for crossing land borders for vaccinated citizens and citizens with a negative PCR test; promptly inform the population of up-to-date information on border crossing rules, timely synchronize the relevant decisions of the EAEU member states; speed up the procedure for integrating Kazakhstan into the system “I travel without Covid-19” to move citizens across the EAEU countries for personal and business purposes, “the mazhilisman concluded.

Oksana Skiban, Nur-Sultan.

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