Pension savings allowed to be used for IVF

Pension savings allowed to be used for IVF

Pension savings allowed to be used for IVF

In her broadcast on the Facebook page, the chairman of the board of Otbasy Bank, Lyazzat Ibragimova, said that the proposal to withdraw part of the pension savings for the in vitro fertilization procedure was approved, the correspondent of reports.

I hasten to please, they heard us. Plus there were the opinions of professionals at a meeting of the working group of the Ministry of Health. Now an eighth goal has been added to the rules, it is called “assisted reproductive methods and technologies”. This is implied, including the IVF procedure. Lyazzat Ibragimova

She recalled that the rules for the use of pension payments should come into force next week.

We look forward to these rules coming into effect next week. All families who experience problems with reproduction will have the opportunity to do IVF at the expense of their pension savings, – said the head of the bank.

Earlier, Ibragimova reported that Kazakhstan has quotas for IVF, but they are not enough, therefore it was proposed to allow the use of part of pension savings for these purposes.

In addition, the money can be spent on medical treatment or buying a home.

Oksana Skiban, Nur-Sultan.

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