Kazakhstanis are in the top 5 of the happiest people in the world

Kazakhstanis are in the top 5 of the happiest people in the world

Kazakhstanis are in the top 5 of the happiest people in the world

Citizens of Kazakhstan were in the top 5 of the happiest people in the world, reports zakon.kz with reference to 24.kg.

This is stated as a result of a survey on optimism and happiness.

The data was collected as part of the Voice of the People, a well-known international survey that is carried out annually by all members of the Gallup International Association.

The research is carried out by the members of the association at their own expense, and its results are distributed free of charge and are available to everyone.

Kyrgyzstan ranks first in the happiness index, Azerbaijan ranks second, and Colombia ranks third. Nigeria is also in the top 5 countries.

Kyrgyzstan also got into the top five of the optimistic countries – in fourth place. The top pessimistic countries are led by the United Kingdom.

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