Doctors of Almaty from the capital turned to Kazakhstanis for help

Doctors of Almaty from the capital turned to Kazakhstanis for help

Doctors of Almaty from the capital turned to Kazakhstanis for help

Cases of COVID-19 infection are often associated with neglect of preventive measures. This was reported by the doctors of Almaty and Nur-Sultan, reports

The main thing for successful prevention is not to go to crowded places, since the coronavirus spreads through the air. We all better wear masks and gloves.

Firstly, you need to put on masks, not go where there are many people, put gloves on your hands. When you come home, you need to wash your hands. When meeting people, you must maintain a distance of 1.5-2 meters. The main thing is not to go to crowded places, ”said Artur Kazhibaev, chief physician of the City Polyclinic No. 32 in Almaty.

Artur Kazhibaev also explained the importance of wearing gloves and masks, especially in public transport.

Wearing gloves is important, because if we have an infection on our hands without gloves, we will not notice and will automatically touch our face – so this (note – infection) can quickly infect us. Masks are currently one of the most important (note – prevention tools), when people communicate with each other, the infection spreads through the air, so I think it is better for residents of the city to wear masks and gloves, – said the head physician.

Let us remind you that in Almaty, according to the information on the places of infection, 39.6% of cases occur in visits to public places; 27.5% – contact with a patient with CVI in the family; 20.3% – transport.

Artur Kazhibaev reported on the reasons for the infection of persons who were admitted with CVI, in the context of the polyclinic.

As for the causes of infection, the most important is that patients communicated with sick people, in this category of infection – a large percentage. Secondly, those who visited crowded places, and those who invited guests, went to visit, for example, toi. We also had the following percentages, for example, from grocery stores – 36%, from public transport – 13%, from markets – 12%. This is for infections of 23 people who are monitored in our clinic. Often cases of infection are associated with neglect of preventive measures, he stressed.

The speaker also answered the question of when it is necessary to immediately call a mobile brigade.

“If symptoms of SARS appear – cough, fever, then the patient needs to go to the clinic – call the reception. At the reception they will switch to the mobile team, the mobile team will come and serve. First of all, they (note – the mobile team) will also call, The mobile team will arrive, examine and, if they see indications for hospitalization, the patient will be hospitalized. The patient will be monitored for 14 days, “explained Artur Kazhibaev.

Moscow infectious disease specialists, who are at the forefront in the fight against coronavirus, have appealed to city residents to comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards.
Given the increase in hospital admissions with coronavirus, health workers urge people not to forget about preventive measures to comply with the quarantine regime.

There were fewer cases in the fall. Some of the townspeople thought that the virus had receded. But this is fundamentally wrong. I remember during the peak period, we did not know day or night outside the window. We didn’t look after the clock and didn’t consider what day we were working. A repetition of the sharp outbreak and the chaotic spread of the coronavirus should not be allowed. While some residents are walking around the city without masks, ignoring sanitary standards, we are here every day fighting for the health and lives of people, – said the doctor of the Moscow City Infection Center.

Being in hospital with coronavirus, Aigerim Umirzhanova did not believe that she would end up in a hospital bed:

“It will be almost a year since this terrible virus has touched the inhabitants of our country. All this time I walked calmly and did not worry about my health, I thought the virus was gone. But I felt unwell, did not ignore it and asked for medical help. I was diagnosed with a coronavirus. To be honest, at first I didn’t believe that it could happen to me, but now I understand that this is not a joke at all, ”patient Umirzhanova shares her impressions.

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