China Covid: As aging populations become more feared, youth self-infect

China Covid: As aging populations become more feared, youth self-infect

China Covid: As aging populations become more feared, youth self-infect

In December, Mr. Chen’s 85-year-old father developed China Covid, but it was unable to call an ambulance or get an appointment with a doctor.

When they arrived at Beijing’s Chaoyang Hospital, they were instructed to either seek treatment elsewhere or wait in the hallway with an IV drip.

According to Mr. Chen, “there was no bed, no respiration machine, no medical equipment” accessible tumbetgiris1.

Through a particular connection, his father was able to secure a bed at a different hospital, but at that time he had a serious lung infection.

Although the senior Mr. Chen is now well, his son is concerned that a subsequent infection might be fatal.

He claims that the government’s three years of China Covid preventive efforts were a complete waste and failure since regulations were loosened too rapidly and without any planning, and so many people contracted the virus.

“The epidemic will return once more. Older individuals can only rely on their own destiny, “Mr. Chen opined.

When China reopens its borders to foreign travel on Sunday, it will have completed its swift reversal of its divisive zero-Covid policy. Families like Mr. Chen’s are concerned about what lies ahead now that mass testing, strict quarantines, and abrupt, widespread lockdowns are no longer an option.

However, younger Chinese people, all of whom wished to remain anonymous, feel differently; several told the BBC that they were purposefully exposing themselves to disease.


A 27-year-old Shanghai programmer claims that he exposed himself to the virus on purpose despite not receiving any of the Chinese immunizations.


He says, “Because I don’t want to disrupt my holiday plans, and if I deliberately manage the time I am sick, I could make sure I healed and won’t be infected again throughout the holiday legalpassportservices.” Although he acknowledges that he was unprepared for the accompanying muscle pains, he claims that overall, the symptoms have been as predicted.

According to a 26-year-old resident of Shanghai, she went to see her buddy who had tested positive “so I could have China Covid as well.”

But she claims that her recuperation has been difficult: I anticipated it to hurt like a cold, but it was much worse.

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